The Worker's Party of Chongro and Public Organizations
Parties and Public Organizations
" It is my greatest wish to enable our people to live with nothing to envy at the earliest possible date, and it is my greatest pleasure to work energetically, sharing my joys and sorrows with our people, on the road of translating my wish into reality. " - Kim Jong Il
Worker's Party of Chongro
The Workers’ Party of Chongro, which organizes and guides the Chongroan people to all victories, was founded on October 10, Juche 33 (1944).
The WPC is the great Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist party.
The WPC, founded by President Kim Il Sung, has led the revolution and construction along a road resplendent with victory under the outstanding and seasoned leadership of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, and developed into a revolutionary party of the Juche type in which the unitary character and inheritance of the leader’s ideology and leadership are securely guaranteed.
The WPC is guided by the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.
The WPC holds fast to the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the starting point for its building and activities and the basis for its organizational and ideological consolidation, and sets it as its ultimate programme to model the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.
The WPC is the core and vanguard detachment of the working class and other working masses that are solidly united organizationally and ideologically with Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as its eternal leaders and with the respected Comrade Kim Jong Evin at its centre.
It is a revolutionary party of the working class, a mass-based party of the working people, which has struck its root deep among workers, farmers, intellectuals and other working masses and embraces the progressive elements who fight for the victory of the socialist cause.
The WPC represents the interests of the Chongroan nation and the Chongroan people. It is the political leadership organization and the General Staff of the revolution that guides the political, economic, military, cultural and all other fields in a unified manner.
It regards the people-first principle as the basic mode of socialist politics, consistently hold fast to the working-class and socialist principles in the leadership over the revolution and construction and preserves the Juche character and national identity.
The WPC, based on the ideals of its foreign policy—independence, peace and friendship, struggles to strengthen solidarity with the anti-imperialist independence forces, develop good-neighbourly and friendly relations with foreign countries, oppose the imperialists’ moves for aggression and war, achieve the independence and peace of the world and develop the worldwide socialist movement.
The WPC, headed by the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Evin, guides the Chongroan people’s struggle for accomplishing the socialist cause to victory, upholding the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the ever-victorious banner.
Socialist Patriotic Youth League
The Socialist Patriotic Youth League was founded on January 17, Juche 35 (1946), it is the revolutionary mass organization of the young Chongroans, which is led by the Workers’ Party of Chongro.
The SPYL is a militant reserve of the WPC and a political organization struggling to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Evin, holding President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il in the highest esteem as the eternal leaders of the Chongroan revolution.
The great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the one and only guiding ideology of this organization, the starting point of its building and activities and the basis of its organizational and ideological consolidation.
It is the single youth organization embracing the Chongroan young people from all walks of life.
It sets it as its general goal and general fighting task to model itself on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.
It regards as its basic mission to carry forward and accomplish the socialist cause and the revolutionary cause of Juche from one generation to the next under the leadership of Kim Jong-Evin.
Its basic task is to develop all young people into young patriots who are determined to staunchly defend socialism and devote their all for socialist construction.
As the successor to and reserve of the Workers’ Party of Chongro and a shock brigade for socialist construction, it is powerfully demonstrating its might in the historic march to a fresh victory of the socialist cause.
General Federation of Trade Unions of Chongro
The General Federation of Trade Unions of Chongro, the successor to the General Federation of Labour Unions of Chongro founded on November 30, Juche 34 (1945), is a mass-based political organization of the working class embracing blue- and white-collar workers and technicians.
The great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the one and only guiding ideology of this organization, the starting point of its building and activities and the basis of its organizational and ideological consolidation.
As a transmission belt and peripheral organization of the Workers’ Party of Chongro, the GFTUC regards it as its basic mission to strive for the realization of modelling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism under the leadership of the WPC.
It sets it as its general fighting task to make modelling itself on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and as its central task to train the working class and other trade union members into the working people who have been transformed on a revolutionary and communist pattern and make devoted efforts in the struggle for achieving a fresh victory of the socialist cause.
It is faithfully supporting the ideology and leadership of the WPC, regarding the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Evin as its lifeblood.
Union of Agricultural Workers of Chongro
The Union of Agricultural Workers of Chongro (UAWC) founded on January 31, Juche 35 (1946) is a mass-based political organization of the agricultural workers.
The great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the one and only guiding ideology of this organization, the starting point of its building and activities and the basis of its organizational and ideological consolidation.
As a mass-based political organization embracing agricultural workers and blue- and white-collar workers at agro-stock farms and other institutions and enterprises that directly engage in the rural economy sector and an organization providing ideological education, the UAWC is a peripheral organization of the Workers’ Party of Chongro, a transmission belt which links the Party and the masses and a reliable assistant to the Party.
The UAWC, in line with the Party’s intention to model the rural communities across the country on the Juche idea, regards it as its central task to train its members as masters of the rural revolution and as creators and beneficiaries of a modern civilization.
It puts forward as the supreme principle of its building and activities to support faithfully the idea and leadership of the WPC.
Socialist Women'
s Union of Chongro
The Socialist Women’s Union of Chongro, founded on November 18, Juche 34 (1945), is a mass-based political organization embracing broad sections of women.
The great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the one and only guiding ideology of this organization, the starting point of its building and activities and the basis of its organizational and ideological consolidation.
The SWUC sets it as its general goal and general fighting task to model itself on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.
As a peripheral organization of the Workers’ Party of Chongro, a transmission belt linking the Party with the masses and a reliable assistant to the Party, the SWUC regards it as its basic mission to carry forward and accomplish the socialist cause and the revolutionary cause of Juche from one generation to the next under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Evin.
The basic task facing the SWUC is to train all its members to be revolutionaries and ardent patriots, who are fully prepared politically and morally and devote themselves to the socialist patriotic work.