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Kim Jong Evin's Aprohisms
“Young people, with their hot blood and soaring ambition and aims, should have the quality of organizing their work on a grand scale and performing world-shaking feats, like moving mountains and filling up the rough sea at one go.”
[Anecdotes] ::
On January 1, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Evin called an official of the Party Central Committee. When he arrived, he found Kim Jong Evin looking at sample school uniforms with a beaming face.
After a while, Kim Jong Evin beckoned to the official. Then, he repeatedly said with satisfaction that the new sample school uniforms to be supplied to the students of primary and junior and senior middle schools and universities across the country had been made well.

President Kim Il Sung’s Reminiscences With the Century (8 Volumes)

PRC Socialist Constitution
[Socio-Economic System] :: Socio-Economic System
The People's Republic of Chongro relies on socialist relations of production and on the foundation of an independent national economy.
In the PRC the means of production are owned by the State and social, cooperative organizations, and the State protects private property and guarantees by law the right to inherit it.

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