Dynamic efforts are being made in different parts of the country to expand the emergency medical service command system.
An emergency command post has been set up in every province, and a work system of controlling and directing the emergency medical service in a unified way has been established at provincial, city and county (district) level hospitals and at the lowest curative and preventive units.
After introducing the system in medical treatment institutions at all levels, Pyongyang and South Hwanghae Province are promptly solving the problems arising in the operation of the system.
Having set a high goal of putting medical services on a more scientific and modern basis, Kangwon Province is simultaneously pushing ahead with the introduction and operation of the system and the information system for population health management.
South Hwanghae Province has sent tens of ambulances to the provincial general hospital and provincial maternity hospital as the system is introduced throughout the country.
Written by, Kwon Soo-Jin, Chongro Ministry of Health and Welfare