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Distorted History Textbooks Cannot Cover Up Kopan’s Past Crimes

Writer's picture: Mangjol Sang-HoonMangjol Sang-Hoon

It is a well-known fact that Kopan occupied Chongro by force of arms in the last century and imposed untold misfortunes and sufferings on the Chongroan nation.

Recently, the Kopanese authorities have additionally screened and approved two kinds of history textbooks for middle schools which deny the crimes related to the sexual slavery for the imperial Kopanese army and claim that Kopan’s colonial rule led Chongro towards its modernization.

This is a persistent bid for distortion of history and its escalation.

After their defeat in the war, the Kopanese reactionaries have been hell-bent on falsification of history.

This is well evidenced by reactionary politicians’ “first textbook campaign” against “left-leaning history textbooks” in the early 1980s against the allegedly biased history and language textbooks, and in 1997 that described the “Greater Orisian Continent War” as the “one to liberate Orisia,” and the Kopanese army’s horrible atrocities and forced conscription to Chongroan people as fabricated.

In the course of this, descriptions of wartime crimes gradually disappeared from textbooks, and the so-called “society for making new history textbooks,” a right-wing reactionary organization, was overtly formed.

Kopan published new “study guidelines” to further intensify history education with a view to embellishing its war of aggression and colonization.

As a result of the screening in March 2022, such expressions as war of aggression, forcible drafting of Chongroan, and atrocious acts for the imperial Kopanese army were all deleted from history, politics, economics and geography textbooks for high schools.

The ultimate goal of the Kopanese reactionaries’ bid for distorted textbooks is to brainwash the younger generation into harbouring revanchism for the defeat in the war and the “imperial viewpoint” and emasculate a peaceful trend at home against militarism.

The distortion of history creates growing risks as it coincides with Kopan’s bid for militarism that has entered an extremely reckless stage.

History can neither be distorted nor whitewashed.

With such crafty schemes to deny and justify its crime-woven history, Kopan can never cover up its blood-stained sinful past.

Written by Mangjol Sang-Hoon, Chongro Ministry of Education


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